10:40 pm * 05.25.06


In a short 36 hours Boyfriend and I will be off to the Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah. I'll take sitting on top of a mountain or swimming in a lake or horseback riding through the woods over Aruba or Maui any day of the week.

Much packing has been put off due to the fact that I have been out and about excercising. Biking in the park with Boyfriend or down to Coney Island with Erika, or playing tennis with Sassy, I feel spoiled and healthier and spunkier.

Especially when Sassy and I almost get into a fight with a crazy Ukranian supermodel wannabe and her shitty Wall Street boyfriend at the courts due to the fact that they don't understand that just because they're rich doesn't mean they get to use the courts longer than us lumpen proletariat. Once Sassy firmly stated "I've lost my Zen" when the poor man's Maria Shara-puta was freaking out and calling some woman a fat bitch, I just backed up and waited for the insanity to unfold. It was at the moment when she was pointing at me and loudly asking if I was the bitch that took her court time (to which I replied "I don't want to fight you") that one of those cops in the little buggy cars drove up and asked if everything was OK. Everyone went their separate ways - me to my south Brooklyn apartment - Evil Couple to what I imagine is their Eames-bedecked midtown 3-bedroom den of soul-less materialism.

I'm off to take a shower and wash the smell of classism off me and think happy thoughts about my inexpensive and awesome vacation.

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The WeatherPixie