9:21 am * 06.22.05

meeting my new tennis partner today - i craigsl!sted for someone to play with during the day to get me out from behind this computer and out of the house. he sounds really cool, he has a fiance, doesn't seem like the weirdo creeps that i imagine populate 99% of craigsl!st. craigsl!st makes me nervous like that.

went for a walk in prospect park yesterday, staying far far away from the p-slope (snobby) section by the great meadow. i intentionally got myself lost and wandered around for four hours deep in the woods. i even managed to get into the quaker cemetary which is usually very off limits to the public. the gate was open and i was sort of peering in when the caretaker saw me and called me over. he explained the layout - there is pretty much no discernable plan, just low matching headstones hidden in ivy and bushes in fairly thick woods. he let me walk around by myself for awhile. i was going to take a picture, but it's so secluded and private that it didn't feel right. i wish i could describe the light coming through the leaves onto the ivy and worn white marble. anyway, i managed to tire myself out yesterday, which was fantastic.

i think i'm going to skip pool tonight again. i'm really sleepy today.

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The WeatherPixie