1:29 pm * 06.22.05

toby, this entry is for you...

ha ha ha ha ha - you will not believe who my tennis partner is.

so this guy told me he's be wearing a blue kangol by the courts. ok, points right there. so, guy in blue kangol rides up on a yellow vespa, and damn, he looks familiar. we hang out, talk a bit, he's super nice. i still can't place his face, but i don't want to say anything. later he mentions he is a professional musician. so i'm like "what band?"

he's the guy from murphys l@w and the sl@ckers.

i personally think that is hysterical. my tennis partner is ska/hardcore royalty.

anyway, we got along really well and there is 0% of me being decapitated by him. we are the same skill level, we played for and hour and a half (jesus christ!) and we have a tennis date once a week for the rest of the summer.

yay tennis.

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The WeatherPixie